Profile PictureAlexander J.A Cortes

The AJAC Diet

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The AJAC Diet

64 ratings

A principle-based approach to nutrition from 10 years of working with clients and 15 years of training. 

This not a "Get ripped quick" dietary model of any kind.

My focus has always been guided by a 1st principle approach.

I don't want people to stress about their eating, and I also do NOT believe that diet should demand massive cognitive effort.

Human beings were normal body for thousands of years, right up until the mid-1950s. People are not the problem, our own biology is not the enemy. 

We SHOULD be able to be healthy without much effort, yet we are not. Why? 

The AJAC Diet is the principles and strategies I've arrived at. 

This is not an “effortless” diet, a “revolutionary” diet, or any easy answer with a hyperbole diet.

It’s a way of eating that delivers optimal health based upon the needs of your own human biology, and adjusted for lifestyle

AJAC Diet consists of 20 different principles that are essential for optimal health, healthy body composition, and stress-free eating

  • How to Make Sense of Different Diet Advice
  • Why everything you consume, you become
  • How to eat for lean muscle gain with minimal fat gain
  • The differences in nutrition between bodytype
  • The "best" foods to eat and why to eat them
  • How to take advantage of the thermogenic effect 
  • How I use fasting and when I don't use it 
  • The "Old School" Fat loss way of eating without counting calories 
  • How to know if you diet for fast loss, or follow a slow and steady approach
  • The role of biofeedback in determining what to eat and what not to eat

Each principle builds on the prior principle, and at the end you will have a greater understanding of human nutrition and your own biology than you've ever had prior. 

And all the tools to lose bodyfat, gain muscle, or maintain weight with simple planning and diligence. 

The AJAC Diet consists of three distinct guides

  • The AJAC Diet Guide of Principles
  • The AJAC Diet Guide to Eating for Muscle Gain
  • The AJAC Diet Guide for Old School Fat Loss

Read together, you will learn a holistic view of nutrition that will dispel nutrition mythology, simplify the process of losing body fat, and teach you a way of eating that is stress-free and health-enhancing, and can be followed for the rest of your life. 

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